This is essentially the latest crap that I've been emailed this past week:
Whenever you face an ethical dilemma of major proportions, you should think "WWUJD"? [I'll use the new mantra daily, Lou.]
I could've used this when I was a baby. I was as bald as a ping pong ball. [Thanks for the tip, Tia.]
So it's come to famous caca is on display as art! As Pixie (mother of two) puts it: "I have a couple little choice 'art pieces' to add to their collection if they want." [ thanks, Pixie!]
And sex in the kitchen gets realy ugly if you don't know what you're doing... [Now I know what that burning sensation is, Charlie.]
New to my Moxi: "It Came from Outer Space" will be Moxied tonight on TCM.
Modern art is so hip...