Wednesday, November 30, 2005

"Va Va Voom" Star of the Day

Esther Williams
At 5'8" she turned the men of Hollywood on their heel with her long legs and unique swimming stroke. In her tell-all autobiography Million-Dollar Mermaid (a must-read) she relates her journey from the Olympics to the silver screen all by way of swimming. Known as "America's Mermaid," she basically invented synchronized swimming and created a whole line of swimsuits. She also has lent her name to a line of swimming pools.

Outspoken, perky, and beautiful, Esther Williams is a joy to watch in film - no matter how formulaic the storyline may be. And I love her because I'm also 5'8", brunette, and an excellent swimmer!

Check our her profile on IMDb...
...And her official website.

If you'd like desktop wallpapers of any "Va Va Voom" Stars, let me know - they're all made up and ready to go!

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