Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Weekend Re-cap

Friday night I went to go see "Hairspray" at the Pantages Theatre with Pokey and his friends. We had dinner at Joseph's first and then trekked to the theatre. Unfortunately I was wearing my stupid heels - the pair where one shoe is tighter than the other. This wouldn't be a problem except I was walking about 7 blocks to the theater from the restaurant. Things were fine once I got to the show - I was completely distracted by the production. If you've ever seen the movie (like I have) and didn't like it (like me) still give the stage show a shot. It's awesome. Especially surrounded by 10 gay men. We stood up at the last song and were singing and dancing...

After the show we went to The Abbey which is the best gay bar in West Hollywood, in my opinion. There we were supposed to meet Mon's friends. Mon is a ASL translator, so most of his friends are deaf. I thought, "How am I supposed to talk to these guys?" But I found out quickly that talking with my hands is what I'm good at.

On a side note, I think every straight man should go to gay bars. There are so many straight girls that hang out at these places, and all they see are hot, well-groomed gay men canoodling. It's enough to turn the temperature up in the most frigid of women. But they're not getting anything from this stimulus, not even a look. So when a straight guy comes near, straight girls pounce on them like a tiger. "Mine! Mine! Mine!" You could have your pick of the litter at these places.

Anyway, Pokey got us these super-huge, really good berry martinis and then we found Mon's friends. They were adorable and hilarious and just plain fun. I learned a lot of sign language from these guys, especially Patrick, who was very patient with me. He taught me how to say every word a single girl needs to know, especially at the Abbey: gay, straight, penis, cute, slut, shuttup...Surely to come in handy in the future.

After learning a lot and drinking a lot and standing a lot, I had finally had enough with my uncomfortable shoes, so Pokey and I left. I walked back to his apartment in West Hollywood (another 10 blocks) barefoot.

I love gay men.

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