Monday, May 12, 2008

Return of the Escape to the Race to Witch Mountain

That's right, Disney once again cannot come up with an original feature film idea to save their life. Instead of coming up with something new, they keep cracking open the vault and redoing a movie from the past. They've redone "The Shaggy Dog," "The Absent-Minded Professor" ("Flubber"), "Parent Trap," "Freaky Friday," "That Darn Cat"...I've touched upon this in a past post about Disney sequels, but these remakes are getting out of hand, too.

Well the latest news is that they're remaking "Escape to Witch Mountain," the 1975 classic with the flying Winnebago, and calling it "Race to Witch Mountain." The copycat film will star former professional wrestler “The Rock,” as well as Cheech Marin. No news on who the kids will be yet, but I'm guessing they'll be some hot teen wanna-be's whom with Disney wants to create a signing career.

Lemme guess: In order to get Tia out of jail Tony will play an electric guitar instead of a harmonica, performing a new pop hit to make the broom and raincoat beat the guard up? Hey! I could be a Disney writer!!

C'mon Disney, seriously? You can't think of any new stories? Instead you have to rip off old movies and remake them until they're just teenie-bopped and commercialized carbon copies of the classic originals. Hire some better writers, guys. Hell, hire me! I'll regurgitate old stories better than "Flubber."


  1. The thing is there are probably thousands of starving writers out there just dying to sell a script (or 2, or 3...) C'mon, Disney! Give the little guy a break!

  2. Anonymous10:08 PM PDT

    they already re-made it.. after the 1975 version... I remember cause I loved it and I saw that it was coming on later so I tivoed it and it was the 1975 version which was not the one I watched... I made sure it was the same movie and everything... Unless the 1975 version was the remake? But I can't believe they're calling it race to witch mountain... that's ummm special... They also made T*witches into 2 movies... which both sucked incredibly... loved the books for a while and hated the movie... It was god-awful... disney should stay away from making interesting witch movies it doesn't seem to be working that well for them...

  3. Anonymous10:18 PM PDT

    yes i checked there was a re-make in 1995 like i thought... the names aren't tia and tony though... don't you think one re-make is enough? is that why they changed the title? I want to watch the 1995 version now...
