Monday, June 29, 2009

Nothing Like Kids With Guns

This one looks a little too real for my comfort level.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rock Hudson on "I Love Lucy"

Rock Hudson approaches Lucy and Ethel on vacation. The girls are upset at their husbands and their annoying habits, but after Rock tells them a story, they miss them.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Between Two Ferns with Bradley Cooper

Saw "The Hangover" over the weekend. I don't want to say too much for those of you who haven't seen it, but I'll just say: It's funny. Here's an interview between Zach Galifianakis and Bradley Cooper (hottie), who are two of the stars in the film.

Crushing on William Holden

Dr. Macro's site, as always, provides the highest-quality scans, and his section dedicated to one of the best films of all time, Sunset Blvd., is no exception.

William Holden
looks delicious in these stills. (Oh yeah...and Gloria Swanson's in the movie.)

Now if you haven't seen the movie yet -- rent it for chrissake! ...And read our previous post about the film.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Crushing on James Garner

(...but what else is new?)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Girl Around the House

"It's nice to have a girl around the house.""Though she was a tiger lady, our hero didn't have to fire a shot to floor her. After one look at his Mr. Leggs slacks, she was ready to have him walk all over her."

Sometimes I think we haven't come that far as equality of the sexes is concerned. But ads like this make me happy it's 2009. And that Dyno doesn't wear Mr. Leggs slacks.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Another Celeb Sale

Just days before Audrey Hepburn's postage stamp was selling for big money at an auction in Germany, Steve McQueen's rolex was selling for $234,000 at Antiquorum's summer auction in New York City.

The vintage Rolex, Ref. 5512, fetched a whopping $234,000 -- twenty times its estimated worth, and a world record for that reference.

Also for sale from the actor's possessions were his Scott Super Squirrel motorcycle, painted by Von Dutch, which sold for $276,000 (double its estimate), and the Heuer "Monaco" he wore in the 1971 racing film Le Mans, sold for a world record $87,600. Wow.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rare Audrey Hepburn stamp fetches $93,000 at auction

A rare stamp portraying Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast at Tiffany's sold for $93,800 at an auction in Germany today.

As the Daily News reports:
Only five copies of the 2001 stamp are known to exist.

The print run was ordered destroyed after Hepburn's son, Sean Ferrer, objected to the cigarette holder dangling from the "Breakfast at Tiffany's" star's mouth and refused to grant copyright.

Thirty proof copies escaped incineration. Most probably ended up in the trash can, but a few have wound up in the hands of collectors.

"We can only guess that whoever took the Hepburn stamps from Deutsche Post didn't realize their value, thought they would save 55 cents and just used them on normal letters," auctioneer Andreas Schlegel said.

Hepburn died of colon cancer in 1993. Her son said he hoped the stamp seller would use his windfall to benefit cancer research or an anti-smoking campaign.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Show Her It's a Man's World...

Before there was bra-burning and marching through the streets with signs reading "Equal Rights!" there were ads like this.
"Show her it's a man's world! Brand new man-talking, power-packed patterns that tell her it's a man's world...and make her so happy it is..."

Now someone tell me what prostrating yourself in front of your man with a tray of food has to do with neckties...? And what part of this would make a woman happy?

Source: Plan 59

Friday, June 12, 2009

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

I have loved Neil Patrick Harris since I began watching "How I Met Your Mother," so I'll watch anything with him in it. Found this little gem on Hulu.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Happy Birthday, Donald Duck!

He's officially a whopping 75 years old today! So enjoy this classic cartoon starring our favorite web-footed friend.

Toy Story 3 Teaser Trailer

Looking forward to this next summer...

Friday, June 05, 2009

Muppet Poster Mash-ups

Go see some wacky Muppet poster mash-ups, like this one, at Empire Online. They'll have you cracking up, and wondering what kind of demented mind could concoct them.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Must-See Movie: Mister Roberts

Mister Roberts (1955)
Talk about one of the finest war films in cinematic history. Starring Henry Fonda, Jack Lemmon, and James Cagney, this award-winning comedy-drama is the quintessential guy movie. It's got war, it's got honor, it's got men being men. But mostly it has a lot of heart.

Mr. Roberts (Henry Fonda) is the cargo supervisor on the USS Reluctant (a.k.a. "The Bucket"), an American cargo ship lying stagnant in the Pacific Ocean during World War II. Roberts desperately wants to leave the tedium of his post to join in the action of war. Weekly he writes for a transfer, but the captain of the ship (James Cagney) is a tyrant over the crew, especially Roberts, and chooses to forward all of his letters with his stamp of disapproval. The Captain's only real pride is a palm tree that was given to him as reward for "his" hard work and effort in delivering cargo. The men all look up to Roberts and how he stands up to the Captain, but things change when Roberts somehow finagles a "liberty" for the men in a beautiful South Pacific port.

Also on board is Robert's cabin-mate Ensign Pulver (Jack Lemmon), who does all he can to avoid confrontation with the captain and instead bides his time buying and selling for hard-to-get items on the ship. He also spends time telling people how one day he's going to get even with the Captain's tyranny, whether it be putting marbles in his overhead or launching a firecracker under his bunk.

Also complimenting Ford and Lemmon's performances is William Powell, who plays Doc. He acts as Mr. Robert's sounding board, and also his voice of reason. This was Powell's last film before he retired from acting. The powerful accomplishments of the male cast make this film a great way to celebrate our war heroes, and masculinity!

This post is dedicated to my Dad, whose recent passing has put my blogging at a stand-still for a while. But this was his favorite movie, and would always bring a tear to his eye (and my eye, as well). I love you Dad, and I miss you. "Now what's all this crud about no movie tonight??"