Thursday, April 13, 2006

Dumpster Drama: Act XII

Yes, It's been a while since the last Dumpster Drama, but what can I say? Things have either really toned-down in my apartment complex, or I've become a heavier sleeper. Well, the long wait is over because finally something happened the other night.

At about 1:30 in the morning, the Alcoholic Man Upstairs, or AMU, decided to stumble into the carport area and drunk-dial his ex-wife. Through the slurring I could hear bits and pieces of his conversation to her.

Well thass just unfair... You're being reedickoolus... No, you are... You said that before and it juss doesn't make sense. At all. Not even a lil bit. ...How can you say that?... You don even know wha you're talkin about.
(long pause as he either listens to her or passes out)
Don think I don remememember that. Don think I don think about that ev'ry time I... No, no, thass not wha I'm sayin... I'm sayin that you don know what you're talkin about.
AMU proceeded to repeat these various phrases for about another half hour. I don't know what they could be arguing over, but there is something about listening to a drunk-dial that is always entertaining. Perhaps it is because we're at our most desperate, depressed, and vulnerable when we drunk-dial, and that's what makes us most human. And eavesdropping on such a human dialogue reminds us how vulnerable we can all be at times.

I was sad at first listening to him, but to be honest, I was just happy that it wasn't me that night.

...And, CURTAIN.

(Click here for a previous Dumpster Drama with AMU)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:48 PM PDT

    That's recommend a weblog template program but your blog is so boring.
