Monday, December 01, 2008

Weekend Recap

Well Fall is over, and now it's time to prepare for Winter...brrrr!!

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! I actually didn't gorge myself like I usually do. I kept myself pretty restrained. That goes for the family squabbles, as well.

Attention, Shoppers! Well Black Friday has come and gone, thank the Lord... I was going to go shopping Friday. But when I woke up early in the morning to 'beat the rush' I rolled over and decided to stay in my nice warm bed instead. After all, isn't that what online shopping is for??

I went to my storage unit to get my fake Christmas tree. But with all the junk in there, I couldn't find it. So I had to buy another one...$9.99 at Target, can't beat that. But then all my Christmas ornaments from past years were buried in the storage unit, so I had to buy all those, too. The total ended up being almost $100, just to decorate my tiny little shoebox apartment. Ah, all for the spirit of Christmas, I guess.

Then I spent the rest of the weekend watching Christmas movies, at least the ones in my DVD collection: "Christmas Vacation," "Love Actually" (which always makes me cry, I don't know why!), "White Christmas," and "It's a Wonderful Life." I think I'm ready for the holidays!!

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