Act 1, Scene 3: The jawas break in to "It's a Hard Knock Life."
Act 2, Scene 24: Luke sings, "You can take my hand and my pride, but I still won't join the Dark Side."
Act 2, Scene 12: Stormtroopers dance in background while Darth Vader sings "I'm Evil with a Cape (reprise)."
Act 1, Scene 27: Obi-wan does jazz hands right before being slain by Darth Vader.
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Well, we didn't start a worldwide Twitter trend of #starwarsthemusical, but we had a lot of fun at least! Here were the rest of the posts in case you missed them:
R2D2 sings: "I'm singin in the rain, while Luke's in Yoda's hut/what a real annoying feeling, I'm bleepin cold again..." #starwarsthemusical
Act 3, Sc 2: Luke sings to Jabba "Don't send for help, 'specially @BobaFett / #withoutmy arm, I'm only half a threat."#starwarsthemusical
Act 1, Scene 21: Admiral Motti sings " #icantbreathe when you look at me that way..." #starwarsthemusical #starwars
Act 2, Sc 34: Han sings "You said 'I luv u,' I said 'I know'/But tho they may freeze me, my heart still ain't no stone."#starwarsthemusical
Act 1, Scene 5: Luke two-steps to "The Two Suns Suite"
kinda awesome, I have to watch Star Wars first before I go on for the musical.
You really must see Star Wars.
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